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Inside the Methadone Clinic. Addiction to heroin, methadone, and other opiates. The destruction to one's life. The "primal addiction" of the child, power and control over your own life, the institutions and the characters, the love between a mother and son. This book is a sequel to "The Tree Outside the Window." It answers the question, "What happens to Jill next?"
This is a book of short stories that are diverse, and written over a lengthy period of time. I chose the best of the batch. There are some very sad, tragic stories that will make you cry, some that will make you laugh, many that are enlightening and insightful, and others that will simply entertain you. I've wanted to put this volume together for a long time. So, here it is! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
"The Tree Outside the Window" is based on autobiographical information about the author, and describes a girl's encounters with schizophrenia and the mental health system. It begins with the childhood experiences of Jill Walker, the main character, and follows with the chronological events leading to her initial psychotic breakdown. The story continues through treatment by various psychiatrists, therapists, and city, state, and county institutions, and culminates in the character's conquering her insanity, and achieving autonomy into adulthood. Above all, it's a tale of hope, that the will and spirit can overcome the horrors and devastation of a mind ravaged by mental illness.
Many of the incidents and descriptions relating to the doctors and psychiatric hospitals were actual occurrences, revealing the problems, inadequacies, and abuses that are common in the mental health system. The story is fast-paced, insightful, and often amusing, and could be enjoyed by persons of any background, from the age of puberty and up. Mental health workers are encouraged to read the book - it conveys the firsthand experience of schizophrenia, as well as the patient's perspective on life in the mental health establishment. The reader will be enlightened as well as entertained.
Al and Klepp Klepp
I gave myself this haircut, since no salons were open during the Virus crisis.
R. Burrow grew up in a small, hilly town in West Virginia. In her teens, she traveled to various parts of Europe with her family, and went to school in the U.K. Before graduating high school, she began to suffer from symptoms of schizophrenia, and would continue to struggle with the illness for the next ten years of her life. During this time, she was able to travel to Buffalo, and attended the State University of New York, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree. After winning the long, hard battle with mental illness, she married a man she loved, Martin, and settled in Upstate New York. After years of living a quiet home life, she felt a sudden and strong desire to tell her story; it was then, at age 31, that she began to write about her experiences, in the hope that it would educate and inform others from the rarely-heard point of view of the patient.
The material seemed to flow almost effortlessly, and the novel was completed in a year and a half. About the same time "The Tree Outside the Window" was published, the author was blessed with a beautiful boy, James, and wrote a collection of short stories, as well as another long fiction novel about heroin addiction and the methadone clinic, entitled, "In Handcuffs."
Excellent. A moving and authentic young person's inside view of our disgraceful mental health system. It's fiction, of course, but sensitive reader can tell author knows whereof she speaks. For a first book four stars is big praise for me. I look forward to her next book. I hope publisher markets this book to the mental health professionals who usually only read each others' work. -- a reviewer, a writer in Western New York
I found this to be a moving, candid account of one young person's long journey through our arcane, often destructive, mental health system. This personal story should be on the top of the list for mental health workers to experience what it really feels like to be on the other side of institutional treatment -- Spirit of Aphra Behn "actor/playwright"
...interesting, supportive, suspenseful, and informative as well as entertaining...I can't think of anyone who wouldn't enjoy reading it as well as benefit from it. Some parts of the book will affect everyone's life. ...I can't wait to read the next chapters in "Jill's" life. I've already recommended it to others. -- Brenda Ainsworth
...I have worked within mental health, and I agree with all that you say...It is totally wrong that such already very sensitive people are treated with such inhumanity... Thanks for the inspiration. -- Catriona Muir
This book tells an intense story from a fascinating perspective. The main character's experience with schizophrenia is presented through her relationships with her family, boyfriends, doctors, and other patients. This creates an interesting web of emotions that carries the story along, allowing the readers to glimpse what life is like for a teenager battling a mental disorder. This is certainly not a "feel good" novel, but it will truly make a reader reconsider the mental health system in modern America. -- J. Kandel
I was given a chance to read
this book for an exchange of an honest review . Let me start off by
saying that this book was simply amazing. I read it in about 3 days
which is very good for me...I thought that this book was very thought
provoking and had well developed characters. I was hooked after the
first couple of chapters. Initially I thought that it was gonna be kinda
slow because of how it started and boy was I wrong. The book flowed and
didn’t miss a beat . It was. Very informative letting us into the life
of a person with mental health illness. I think that everyone should
read this book especially if they have a love one or even a friend that
deals with mental health. I hope that this Author continues to flow in
what I deem as excellent writing skills and I definitely look forward to
future work from them. You will definitely want to pick up a copy of
this boom and it’s guaranteed to not disappoint.
-- Debby Deshan
Hi Jane with her toy
Jane and Klepp Al with his meal
Rupert Bingo
Sweet Susie
Quest for an apology, at the very least, from those who persecute us as a result of their ignorance and abuse.
There is too much prejudice and ignorance with regard to
mental illness. The vast majority of the mentally ill are non-violent. It takes
a violent, cruel person, I believe, to commit a violent act, regardless of
whether he or she is bipolar, schizophrenic, or mentally intact. We don't hear
about those who are peaceful, those who do not aggress against others. Even the
best educated among us have a distorted view. The schizophrenics and
manic-depressives who brutalize their kids or kill their spouses give everyone
else a bad name. Unfortunately, they are the ones who make the headlines, who
make people afraid. Sure, there's an occasional tragedy. But an illness does not
change our character. Lots of "sane" people are guilty of rapes, murders, and
assaults. They are often accused of mental illness to explain what they do
(though they sometimes use it as an excuse). Calling someone mentally ill
usually comes with a derogatory tone of voice. The scapegoating and dumping on
sick people needs to stop. We are human beings, loving parents, mature adults,
and well-meaning adolescents, like most of the general population. This should
be well-known to everyone, but I feel that it needs to be restated often. Thanks
for reading and letting me vent my opinions.
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